The fires in Santa Rosa, Sonoma, and Napa have been absolutely devastating to our friends, our community, and our loved ones. Nobody in Northern California has been unaffected by this tragedy, and we are saddened that many of us have been forced to abandon the lives that we have built for ourselves and start over.

The fires in Santa Rosa has destroyed nearly 3,000 homes and caused roughly $1.2 billion in damage. The areas affected by the fires are nearly unrecognizable. Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano told the Los Angeles Times “There is so much to rebuild. It will absolutely change the community.”

But it has been amazing to see how the community has responded to this crisis. There are people who have lost everything in the fire, and yet these brave Northern Californians are working tirelessly to sift through the ash and rubble to recover anything that they may need. Firemen, policemen, and medical professionals have been coordinating with one another in ways that we have never seen before. Restaurants have offered provisions, citizens have offered shelter, and there have even been volunteers working to save the lives of animals.

California is known for its diversity, but we have never seen as much togetherness as we have in these past weeks. Our community has banded together as one. Many of us have lost everything, but our love for one another is stronger than any fire.

Remember, Santa Rosa is named for a beautiful and resilient flower. Roses grow back each year, no matter what happens.

Helpful Resources for Fire Victims

Get Help With Debris Removal
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